Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How do I get there?
The best option is to follow clickable map showed in the Getting Here section of our website. John Dudar Park, Jackfish Lake, is about 2 hours east of Edmonton, 25 minutes north of Manville. (THERE ARE MULTIPLE JACKFISH LAKES IN AB, SO FIND THE RIGHT ONE!)
Q: When does the main gate open, and how do I get in?
The gate will open to the public at 5pm on Friday the 16th. Please present your ticket that you purchased (printed ticket, or on your phone) Or (pending availability) you may be able to purchase a ticket at the gate. The gate will open again Saturday at 8am and the process will be the same. For those that purchased weekend passes, you will receive a bracelet on Friday which you will be able to present Saturday instead of a ticket.
Q: What should I bring?
Bring a lawn chair, sunscreen, weather appropriate clothing, and cash for use at the concession (we also accept credit/debit, but some artisans might not) or to purchase art in the pavilion. Those camping should bring a tent and sleeping gear, as well as food and water.
Q: What on site services are there?
The Bro-Tel festival offers free first-come-first-served camping (limited number of reserved power and water sites available for $75 for the weekend), outhouses which include sinks with running water and loonie showers. All attendees are encouraged to bring their own drinking water, however there will be water for sale at the concession.
Q: Hey I'm an Artist! Can I showcase my talents?
There will be an open mic time slot on Saturday at 5pm in which artists are welcomed to come share their talent.
For more information on the open mic please contact Saul at brotelbackyardfestival@gmail.com
Got something other than music you want to showcase? The Pavilion will be open during the weekend for artisans of all sorts to showcase and sell their work. If you'd be interested in doing this as well, please contact Rebecca at brotelbackyardfestival@gmail.com
Q: What does the festival have to offer me beside music?
The weekend will include 10+ professional musical artist groups as well as 2 hours of open mic time on Saturday evening. The weekend will also include visual art and artisan crafts in the pavilion presented by their creators. There will be a concession which will serve burgers, hot dogs, fries, freezies, and more. There will also be a beer garden which will have several craft beers and coolers to choose from. On site there are places for campfires, open spaces for recreational activities, and a quiet lawn next to the water for your relaxation
Q: Can I bring my dog?
Yes! Pets are welcome. Please keep your dog on a leash and be sure to clean up after them.
Q: Where can I camp?
If you have not purchased a private power/water campsite, you are welcome to camp for free on any unmarked patch of grass around the site. Off limit areas are, the beer garden/stage area, private sites, and the volunteer camping space.